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Featured Auto
Repair Location

Marv & Mike's Transmission
and Auto Repair

Has been selected 
to  become an

Approved 1.800.REPAIRS
Auto Repair Location

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Marv & Mike's Transmission &
Auto Repair
Located in Rockville, MD

The Approved 1.800.REPAIRS Auto Repair Facility for Rockville, MD area.

Call our easy-to-remember number
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11500 Schuylkill Road
Rockville, MD 20852

Marv & Mikes is the Approved 1.800.REPAIRS Auto Repair Facility for the Rockville and surrounding areas.

Marv & Mike’s Transmission and Auto Repair is a family-owned business that was started in 1976 in Rockville, MD.


We offer full-service preventative maintenance and auto repair care to drivers in the area.


Our ASE Certified Technicians have the knowledge to repair any make or model of foreign or domestic vehicles. We use proper diagnostics to assess your vehicle’s problems and get them fixed right the first time.


We have a guarantee for all of the work we do, and we are sure that you will be happy about the outcome.


If you have any questions or are ready to get your vehicle serviced, stop by today or give us a call at 1.800.REPAIRS.


Marv & Mike's Auto Service 

 Has been selected and approved.

1.800.REPAIRS Auto Repair Facility 

for the Rockville area.


It’s easy to contact them 

Just call 1.800.REPAIRS

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